R Resources

Quick-R is one of the most accessible resources for R out there, which I have often found myself back at when I thought I needed something more confusing.

R Reference card is a fairly dense reference to basic and common commands in R

UCLA has some extensive reference pages for students learning to use R.

Searching for help:

Google is your friend. Seriously - someone else has probably had a similar problem as you in the past and has hopefully figured it out. R is a common letter of the alphabet, so very specific searches, including function commands or specific bits of code can be helpful to generate relevant results.

You may also want to try rseek.org which has already tried to filter the internet appropriately

LaTeX Resources

You may find it worthwhile to learn and work in LaTeX for methods courses or in further work. Here are a few basic resources you may find helpful:

CTAN (The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) has a useful starter page that may be helpful if you're using for the first time.

LaTeX wikibook is extensive and fairly intuitive to use.

Oh look, another refcard for LaTeX!

And the not-so-short introduction to LaTeX.

Finally, here is a very basic LaTeX template for students wanting to start out in Latex. It's designed for homework assignments for CSSS courses.